KRC-20 Tokens

Learn about Kasplex Fungible Tokens (KRC-20)

Based on the Data Insertion Mechanism, we can introduce the KRC-20 token standard into the Kaspa network. The KRC-20 token standard is a protocol that defines the rules and conventions for creating and managing fungible tokens on the Kaspa network.

Basic Concept

Kasplex enables the deployment, minting, and transfer of KRC-20 tokens by embedding a JSON payload into the Envelope structure. Since the data is embedded on-chain, token balances can be calculated by scanning transaction history and aggregating all pertinent activities.

Extra Gas Fee

To deploy or mint a KRC-20 token, users must pay an additional gas fee. This fee serves two purposes: reducing unnecessary data on the blockchain and boosting miner revenue.

*The gas fee is paid to the miner who mines the block containing the transaction, not to the Kasplex team. Meanwhile, the Kasplex protocol and tools are provided free of charge.

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