Consensus and Trust Model

Indexer Decentralization

The Kasplex indexer is an open-source project that can be operated by individuals or service providers. The Kasplex team is committed to promoting indexer diversity. This diversity in clients establishes a fundamental consensus where anyone can independently authenticate all data, a common practice among most inscription protocols.

The Kasplex indexer generates a checkpoint for every certain number of blocks it processes. In the near future, this will allow the validation of the indexer's global state against one another with each block. In the long term, a more robust consensus mechanism will be implemented.

Trust Model

Based on 1-of-N Trust Assumption, to prove that alll KRC-related transactions were included in the ledger after it has been pruned can be verified with following steps:

1、Prove KRC-related transactions have been accepted on Kaspa.

  • A header of a block B and a Merkle proof that transaction appears in B's Accepted Transactions Merkle Root(ATMR)

  • Proof that B appeared in the selected chain, a proof of chain membership (PoChM)

You can get more information via KIP-6

2、Prove the content of KRC-related transactions contain specified KRC data

  • Retrieve transaction components from indexer and make a hash to check the transaction ID.

3、Resolving conflicts between indexers

  • When syncing, an indexer obtains all the KRC history and proofs from an existing indexer, and asks for the hash thereof from all peers. The Merkle security assures that a cheating indexer can only omit transactions(Which is ensured by the 1-of-N Trust Assumption).

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